1.Name and telephone number of responsible person who may be contacted by the Monetary Authority in case of any query.
2.Michael is a responsible person who would never drive if he thought he would be impaired by alcohol.
3.the general representative mentioned in the present Measures shall mean the principal responsible person of a general representative office.
4.One who gently grasps the doorknob to open and close the door is a careful and responsible person.
5.Responsible Department for the confidentiality is corporate office, responsible person is director of the Office and deputy general manager.
6.it seems that you are a very responsible person, thank you for your time!
7.Did you asked for external help, who was the main responsible person within KSB Halle for that issue.
8.My brother and I are going out to seek adventure. We require the company of a responsible person to make sure that we do not go to excesses.
9.The term "chief representative" as mentioned in these Measures refers to the principal responsible person of a representative office.
10.If you do not agree with the examination results, you may seek clarification from the tester or the responsible person of the centre.